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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Kindness Counts

A young disabled boy named Shay was with his father at alittle league baseball game. Shay said, "Dad do you think they will let meplay?" The father knew no one would want to risk losing and place Shayon their team. But Shay asked anyway and dad was wrong. The leaguepurposely put Shay up to Bat with the bases loaded! Bottom of the 9thinning.... The pitcher moved close and threw the ball very softly andunderhanded. Shay barely hit the ball, but he connected! As Shay roundedthe bases, The pitcher purposely threw the ball out of everyone's reach.Shay ran around the bases as his father sat with tears rolling down hischeeks... Shays team won! Two weeks later Shay died of complications,but at least he had the memory of winning! A wise man once said "Amans Character is judged by how we treat the least of us...". I repeatthis quote to my family at least once every two weeks.... (Here it is)"Always choose being kind over being right."

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